วันเสาร์ที่ 10 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Suvarnabhumi Airport

       I had a good weekend with my friends at Suvarnabhumi Airport. I've been waiting for Girl's Generationat the airport. I'm very tried and sore feet because the new shoes pinched my feet. But I was happy when I saw Girl Generation. They were pretty and really good-looking. I enjoyed spending time with my friends. 

Terminal 21

East basement.
This is the colorful Caribbean style. Lighthouse features a big red lip.

Istanbul zone

                 Caribbean zone. Pirates of the bathroom.    This stylish bathroom mirror, hang it everywhere

Cupcake Love Terminal 21

          I had a wonderful holiday in Bangkok at Terminal 21 with my friends.   I was impressed  the bathroom  because very beautiful and clean. We did some shopping and took a lot of photo. We had delicious food. To day I was happy and had fun. ^o^    

Jo Jo'en Japanese

      I had a great time  at Jo Jo'en Japanese. Iwas eating dinner with my friends on Thursday. We wanted to eat ramen. Miso ramen was delicious. I enjoyed this menu but my friends was eattng Tonkotsu ramen has a  the broth with a hearty pork flavor. I was happy.

วันศุกร์ที่ 9 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2555


Today I learned how to about small advertisments. I did exercises about my imagine were going to study at the University of Sydney for two years. I wrote the words in small advertisments. I wrote an appropriate small add with the information above. I have some problems because some words were difficult.


Today I got up late. So I walked come to class quickly. I learned how to about personal letter and e-mails. I did exercises in class. I feel good and had fun because my friends and I played game. My group tired to read personal letters. I like speaking to my friends. I enjoyed this class.


Today I learned how to write about letter of application. Some new words were difficult. But I enjoyed this class because my friends and I played game in this class about advertisement and complete the letter. I like speaking to my friends. I had fun because the teacher was kind.


Today I learned how to write about completing forms by myself. I did exercises with my friends. I answered the questions in  exercises. It was easy. I feel good and had fun.


Today I learned how to about memo. I read the above memos and answer questions in exercises. I have some problem because some words were difficult. I had fun in this class.


Today I learned how to write about invitation and language focus. I did exercises in class. I wrote tasks to my classmates. I feel good. 


Today I learned how to write and talk about weather,accommodation,place and food. they were interesting. I like places in exercises. I injoyed this class because exercises were easy. So I was happy


Today I learned how to write postcard and travel blogs. I feel good and enjoyed because I like many places in pictures. There were interesting and I learned how to write travel blogs. I wrote about my trips in travel blogs. I was happy in this class.

22 / 12 / 54

Today I learned how to write  diaries and weblogs with Dr. Usa. I did exercises in class. I enjoyed the lesson. The teacher was kind. I like diaries blogger. It was easy to use this online diary.

22 / 12 / 54

Today I learned how to write  diaries and weblogs with Dr. Usa. I did exercises in class. I enjoyed the lesson. The teacher was kind. I like diaries blogger. It was easy to use this online diary.

15/12/ 54

Today I learned how to take telephone messages. I feel good and enjoyed. I learned unit3 sending cards. It was easy and fun because I was seeing many e-cards. It was beautiful. So I was happy and I wrote  sentences  for the situations. I wrote them in English.


Today I learned how to write note and messages. I feel good and had fun. I like writing text messages. It used abbreviations and shortens sentences. I like writing a similar note to one of my classmates and pass it on to her. I was happy in this class.


Today I learned how to write aboutdoing tense myself. I did exercise in class. I enjoyed because many questions ware easy nothing was difficult. And I learned how to pronounce some words . I feel good and had fun. The teacher was kind.So I was happy